Auddie x Sara
We are so happy to announce this summer litter is due to go home the weekend of Labor Day. Pick up can be after the puppy vet visit on August 30, 2024 at 4:00PM at the vet office in Gainesville, VA. Once we are done, I will bring puppies out, and can pick up from there. That will fulfill the first required vet visit per state law.
We will have show and performance prospects in this litter with two puppies being reserved for the stud owner and myself. That means, we have to evaluate the litter for structure and temperament before puppy selections are made for the other owners.
The vet surgically removed all tails and healing nicely. Puppies are nice and active and when born latched onto mom quickly. I am handling them more each day and are very vocal. We have lots of talkers in this litter.
If you are interested in a puppy this litter, please complete the current litter application.
2.5 weeks pictures

One black tri boy I missed his individual picture
Nick x Kohl (repeat litter and last litter)
We are so happy to announce this summer litter is due to go home the weekend of September 7th. Pick up will be at my house. I have several that will be flown to their new homes, so I will only have one day for physical pick up. That will be determined once we get closer to the pickup date. They will have their vet visit on September 6, 2024. It is possible to pick up your puppy from the vet in Gainesville in the same fashion as Sara's litter.
This litter produced Penny! She is one champion defeat to get her grand championship with 48 grand champion points and multiple majors over the required. This litter will be amazing with performance and conformation as well.
The vet surgically removed all tails and healing nicely. Puppies are very nice and are super quiet. They are talkers but not as much as Sara's litter. Penny is quiet as well.
If you are interested in a puppy this litter, please complete the current litter application.
Pictures coming!